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Join the Family...

Struggling to find "your people" is not a problem we want anyone to have!  Family extends to anyone who aligns with our light-bringing message. 
Subscribing to our email list is a great place to start!

Our mom always welcomed everyone from all walks of like into our home and family, no matter their age or affiliation, she fed them a meal, played cards, and invited them along. We are a little weird, but you'll get used to it!  

Cellular Memory Clearing Process
Personal Empowerment
Energy Education & Research


" A.G. " Stands for Alphabet Game...

                             (I know so creative)


About 26 years ago, my then 4 year old nephew "caught us" sitting down to talk to spirit... 

(he was supposed to be in bed)  "what are you doing?" he asked  we all must have looked like a bunch of deer in headlights, sitting around a table with letters on it...but my quick thinking sister (my nephews mom) knowing her son's love of learning (that's sarcasm) said "we are playing an alphabet game" he looked at us and went about his business. He didn't want any part of anything "educational " !! 



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Creep on us in the blahg...

Because everyone has their opinons

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We promise it will be unique!!

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Everybody's doing it!

the a.g. fam

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