please note, this is a much more intense process. I would not attempt this unless you are comfortable and confident with your guides and how they communicate with you.
All though I love to talk about neural pathways at length, I'm going to save that for a video, and here cover the basics, and keep this particular blog more instructional, and focused on the process. If you would enjoy a more in depth explanation, check out the you tube video we made here:
You can think of neural pathways as super highways that assist our nervous system in communicating more quickly. Do something often enough and your system creates a highway so that you can have a quicker reaction...seems great right? Except, what about the habits you might want to stop doing? What if you want your neurons to fire, but NOT go the normal superhighway route you have always taken? What if your free will wants to meander down that side road, but your car and superhighway are so in sync you don't even get the message..the chance to consider that side road? This is exactly why you might want to change a neural pathway.
The dissolution of a neural pathway is only a small piece of regulating your nervous system and reclaiming your stability, your emotional & energetic balance. In addition to dissolving a neural pathway we can also create a neural pathway to give you a head start on starting new habits!
Unfortunately this piece requires a bit more training than we can cover in a blog post, but we didn't want that to keep us from sharing the Dissolve & Discard process that anyone with an open line of communication with their guides can do!
As always, you want get your self in a relaxed position, and state of mind. Call in your guides if you like (even though I guarantee you they are already there)
focus on your body, and the "space" around your body. when you feel ready, state the command:
"Paronne, the command is to dissolve and discard any neural pathways that _______ created on any and all levels (generational/DNA level, a contractual level, other timelines, programming) as well as any pathways any outside energy has been allowed to create on behalf of the of _______that supports __________"
That seems a little long and word, it is ! But this sentence covers a lot of ground! And to be honest this is a more involved process, and I highly recommend watching the video to go along with this.
In the next step, you want to Clear cellular memory of the discarded neural pathway from the physical vessel. (If you don't know what that is, check out our cellular memory clearing blog
here :
Command that the cellular memory of the affect and the pathway be cleared from all 11 systems of the physical vessel.
At this point, you want to allow some space for any directive from spirit, any more specific
directives about where else in the body you might want to intuitively feel into and clear cellular memory of. Divine Spirit will guide you if you allow it.
As always we are open for your questions and feedback. We invite you to look into all of the processes that have been channeled through us for you, and to make them your own.
Take Good Care,
When do you plan on making the video that accompanies this? Just rush 😁